Bushywarren Lane, Herriard

Paul Basham Associates provided support for an application for an anaerobic digestion plant on Bushywarren Lane, Herriard.

The brief

Paul Basham Associates were asked to support the application by providing a Transport Statement to consider the impact on the local highway and to design any improvements required for the access.

Our approach

A Transport Statement was prepared by our transport team in order to demonstrate that the increase in the number and type of trips generated by the proposals would not result in any detrimental impact on the safety or operation of the local highway network.

As part of this work, Paul Basham Associates produced plans demonstrating that there was sufficient intervisibility between the access and proposed passing bays on Bushywarren Lane to ensure HGVs could enter and exit the site safely.

The result

The scheme was granted approval with Paul Basham Associates demonstrating that traffic associated with the scheme would have minimal impact on the safety and operation of the local highway network.

From our client

The team at Paul Basham Associates have been very helpful, efficient and pro-active in providing our travel plan. We were very pleased with your input and your very professional report which went a long way toward helping us get the necessary consent (towards the end it was all about traffic), so please accept my sincere thanks for your hard work.

Chris Cooper
Barfoot Energy Projects Ltd