Station Road, Great Shelford

Paul Basham Associates’ Eastern Region supported Churchill Retirement Living on an application for 39 retirement living apartments at land off Station Road in Great Shelford, South Cambridgeshire. 

The Brief

The development proposals included the redevelopment of the site from existing offices and car parking. The site was considered very located to encourage sustainable travel options given the short walking distance to Great Shelford rail station. 

Given the location of the site within Cambridgeshire the Eastern Transport Planning team was well placed to provide advice on local guidance and policy to inform the internal site layout and access solution as well as parking provision and trip generation impact.

The Approach

The Transport Planning team provided a comprehensive assessment of the site and its planning context. Site accessibility was evaluated with an emphasis on the existing footway along Station Road which was proposed to widened as part of the proposals. 

The Transport Planning team prepared a Transport Statement to accompany the submission which set out the net vehicle trip reduction in comparison with the existing uses on the site. The proposed access solution was discussed at length with Cambridgeshire County Council highways officers ahead of an during the application stage.​ 

Following an appeal on non-determination, the Transport Planning team prepared appeal documentation and continued to liaise with local highway officers on outstanding concerns regarding the access type. Following further discussions, vehicle swept path analysis and a review against both national and local guidance it was agreed that the site could be served from a vehicle crossover access rather than a full bellmouth junction.

The Result

We were delighted to see this scheme receive planning permission in 2023.