Paul Basham Associates were delighted to work alongside WWA Studios to achieve planning permission on behalf of a private client for seven rural business units, off Wendover Road, Stoke Mandeville.
The Brief
Paul Basham Associates were asked to provide transport planning input to support an outline planning application, including access advice and consideration of the sustainability credentials of the location.
Our Approach
In the first instance we undertook a site visit, and prepared a Transport Assessment including junction modelling to demonstrate that the impact on the capacity of the highway network would be negligible.
Following consultee comments from the local highway authority, we prepared a ghost island right turn lane design, in accordance with DMRB CD123. This incorporated crossing facilities for cyclists to meet LTN 1/20 guidance. It was also agreed through discussion with the highway authority that the proposal complied with the sustainability requirements of the NPPF, given the scheme was to meet rural business needs. TRICS data was scrutinised to show that small business units do not generally result in deliveries via articulated vehicle trips.
The Result
Following further discussions relating to the S106 agreement and conditions, Paul Basham Associates were delighted that the scheme received delegated approval in January 2023.