With a proven track record for success both at planning and appeal stages, our Transport Planning team provide a creative and consultative approach which we believe adds value to any project and builds long standing client relationships.

Our services

Our range of Transport Planning services is vast and all encompassing, working on large developments of 1000+ units, through strategic sites, allocations and also small residential, retirement, commercial and retail schemes. Our aim is to provide expert advice to developers, planners, architects and the public sector across a number of land use sectors, including residential, commercial, retail and infrastructure.

A number of our Transport Planning services are listed below:

  • Transport Policy and Planning
  • Transport Assessments/Statements
  • Masterplanning & Local Plan Promotions
  • Pre and Post Construction Highway Condition surveys
  • Due Diligence and Access Feasibility appraisals
  • Site layout, services and parking design
  • Parking and traffic surveys
  • Auto Track (vehicle tracking) reviews
  • Junction/Network modelling and design
  • Public consultations
  • Accessibility & parking appraisals
  • Expert witness services
  • Construction Traffic Management Plans
  • Delivery and Servicing Logistics Plans
  • Walking, cycling and horse riding assessment reviews

Transport planning

Transport matters are increasingly important in the planning process. For outline applications, all matters are often reserved apart from access. At public consultations, aside from the “principle” of the proposals, traffic and parking is usually the second issue on the mind of local residents, councillors and businesses.

Solving transport and access problems is a critical step in unlocking development potential and demonstrating the suitability of a site, whether this is a modest infill development or strategic land promotion. If you can’t access a site, do you really have a site?

Our team

Using our expertise forged from both public and private sector backgrounds, our Transport Planning team adapt the scope of services offered to meet the specific needs of the project and the client, providing cost-effective solutions and mitigation packages where necessary.

We believe that the support and advice that we provide is sound, comprehensive and effective in achieving each client’s desired result. We strive to have a personal, honest relationship with each of our clients and are often fortunate to be their trusted and preferred consultant.

Our feedback

During my many years with McCarthy and Stone, and more latterly with Churchill Living, I have found the team at Paul Basham Associates to not only be exceptional experts in their field, but to also work hard to understand the ethos of their clients, so that they embed themselves as part of the in-house team.

Gary Day
Churchill Living

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