Paul Basham Associates provided Transport Planning works on behalf of Chancerygate for a full application for 8,230m2 of combined B1, B2 and B8 use across 11 units.
The Brief
Our transport team were tasked with providing a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan to support a full planning application in particular to address likely concerns with traffic impact and the accessibility of the site by sustainable forms of travel.
Our Approach
Given the planning history on the site Paul Basham Associates started by reviewing the previous outline consent for the wider commercial site on Yarrow Road. The Transport Assessment then built upon and updated the previous assessment work to demonstrate the acceptability of the proposals.
This assessment work included a review of the accessibility of the site by non-car modes and a calculation of expected trip generation and traffic impact on the basis of the national trip survey database TRICS. The Transport Assessment detailed each site from TRICS used in the assessment to demonstrate how applicable these were to the application site. This assessment confirmed that the proposals would not result in additional trips when compared to the existing use.
Whilst this argument was accepted by the local highway authority they did raise concerns with the level of parking proposed given the relatively open use class and with no confirmed end users at this stage. Our team therefore provided additional information detailing the particular nature of Chancerygate developments which do not require a the same level of parking as traditional office uses, in particular presenting previously consented schemes in the region that were located in areas with similar characteristics to Yarrow Road.
The Result
The local highway authority accepted Paul Basham Associates analysis and agreed that the proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the local highway network. The scheme received planning approval in November 2016.