Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath

Paul Basham Associates were delighted to assist Morgan Sindall in obtaining planning permission for a new Endoscopy Unit at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath.

The Brief

Paul Basham Associates were tasked with supporting Morgan Sindall to achieve Planning Permission for a new Endoscopy Unit at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath.

Our Approach

Upon instruction, we undertook a site visit to understand how the existing hospital is operating and identify the location of the new Endoscopy Unit and how it ties into the wider site. Input into the design was crucial at an early stage, given the loss of existing parking spaces, but also ensuring a suitable ramped access could be provided for the Mortuary.

A Transport Statement was then prepared to support the application, which considered the proposals in more detail. Given the loss of parking as a result of the new unit, a reconfigured car park to the south was assessed and suggestions provided to enhance the deliverability of spaces in this area.

The uniqueness of the site also lent itself to a first principles approach for traffic impact, with anticipated staffing and patient numbers considered against the number of new procedure rooms.

The Result

Mid Sussex approved the application in October 2023 and we are pleased to have played a small part in the delivery of such an important facility.