The Brief
Abri Housing Association instructed Paul Basham Associates to assist with the Transport Planning, Travel Planning, Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering works required to support a full planning application for 21 units on a former office building in Petersfield.
The instruction of all of Paul Basham Associates' disciplines allowed for cross business collaboration and efficiencies within the project.
Our Approach
Early involvement in the project included a site visit and pre application note with Hampshire Country Council to agree in principle the access and servicing arrangement.
Following the successful pre application, a comprehensive Transport Statement was produced to support the application which included an extensive discussions of the accident data in the area which included a fatality The Transport Statement also outlined that the development would provide a betterment to the local highway network over the previous office use.
A Travel Plan was also provided which identified a strategy and measures that can be implemented to try and encourage residents to use alternative modes of transport other than the private car. A Drainage Technical Note was produced by our Civil Engineering which found that the site is is considered to be at very low risk of flooding from all sources and resulted in no concerns being raised by the lead local flood authority.
The Result
The application is currently in for planning under planning application SDNP/ 23 00302 /FUL Based on our approach above we confident of achieving a successful outcome.