Land South of Fontwell Racecourse, West Sussex

Paul Basham Associates have worked extensively on the Land South of Fontwell Racecourse, assisting several developers with securing a number of planning consents for residential developments - In total comprising 100+ units to deliver much needed homes for the area.

The Brief

To support the developments, we were initially asked to assist in identifying the most appropriate point of access. We were then tasked with reviewing the site layouts, producing Transport Statements, Travel Plans, Flood Risk Assessments and Foul Drainage and SuDS Assessments for the various applications and layout.

Our Approach

Our Transport Panning team completed a number of reports to support the applications with particular concern given to capacity issues along the A27 to the north and how the A29 realignment would impact the scheme’s traffic impact. The team successfully argued that all phases of the development would be not have a severe impact on highway safety, operation or capacity in accordance with the NPPF. Following the outline consent for Phase 2, West Sussex County Council had particular concerns with how the construction phase of development would mitigate any impact on wildlife and habitats. Our Transport Planning team then produced a detailed Construction and Environmental Management Plan which successfully alleviated these concerns.

Our Civil Engineering team produced the drainage strategy and undertook the Flood Risk Assessment. Our proposals were to infiltrate surface water utilising a combination of permeable pavements, trenches and basins, designed in accordance with the SuDS Manual and Hampshire County Council standards.

The Result

Phase 1 of the development was built out by Sovereign Housing Association and is now fully constructed. Paul Basham Associates are still involved with the site as the site’s Travel Plan Coordinator.