Paul Basham Associates provided Reserved Matters support for a 500 home development, part of the new eco town expansion of Whitehill and Bordon through redevelopment of the former barracks, including employment land, training facilities and 970m of new relief road.
The brief
Following the successful outline application, Barratt David Wilson Homes acquired the site for 500 homes. We were commissioned to complete the reserved matters transport works in association with the approved outline scheme, the decision notice and Section 106 agreement.
Our approach
Working closely alongside the planners and architects at Barton Willmore, Barratt David Wilson Homes and the civil engineers, Paul Basham Associates helped develop a layout that was sensitive to the relief road and the surrounding residential development along with the site’s heritage, whilst meeting key transport policy requirements such as parking, servicing and visibility from individual drives.
The development also proposed a number of traffic calming measures to help influence vehicle speeds and route choice which will assist with the councils ‘Eco-Town’ principles.
The result
The development received approval for the Reserved Matters application in April 2016 under delegated powers, a fantastic achievement given the scale of the development. The development was also shortlisted for the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence, a fitting recognition for this carefully designed scheme.