Supporting the development of housing in Waverley Borough Council, our Transport Planning and Civil Engineering teams were involved in securing outline planning permission for 71 units in Badshot Lea, Surrey.
The Brief
Following Pre-Application feedback from Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council, Paul Basham Associates were asked to support an outline planning application with both Transport Planning and Civil Engineering disciplines involved. Our work had to consider a variety of other planning applications within Badshot Lea and the surrounding areas and their cumulative impact.
Our Approach
Following the pre-application feedback from Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council a detailed Transport Assessment was prepared which accounted for the cumulative impact of three nearby planning applications as well as consideration to the Local Plan.
The Transport Assessment considered in detail the site sustainably ensuring the development could connect into local pedestrian and cycle networks as well as ensuring the impact on local road networks would not be ‘severe’ in accordance with NPPF policies. An Addendum Transport Assessment was prepared to address comments from the local highway authority.
Alongside the Transport Assessment, a detailed Flood Risk Assessment was prepared due to the presence of a small area, to the north east of the site, being located within Flood Zone 2. A sequential test was completed which concluded there were no suitable alternative sites in lower Flood Zones. An Exceptions Test was also completed which confirmed the flood risk is outweighed by the greater public good and measures were proposed to reduce the flood risk.
The Result
Following the application being granted consent in December 2015, the development is now fully built and occupied and is looking like an exceptional development in Badshot Lea.