Victory Quay, Portsmouth

Paul Basham Associates were delighted to support VIVID Homes and PMC Construction with the Planning Application for the proposed redevelopment of the existing Tipner Pound site on Twyford Avenue, Portsmouth.

The Brief

The proposals included the redevelopment of the Tipner Pound site on Twyford Avenue to provide 835 new homes, along with ground floor retail units. To maximise the units to be delivered across the site and ensure that placemaking and landscaping was prioritised, the parking strategy was developed so that the majority of parking for the new flats was provided in the future Transport Hub and encourage sustainable travel.

The Approach

Paul Basham Associates held extensive discussions with the highway officers at Portsmouth City Council to agree a car parking strategy for the site, which would provide lower levels of car parking which would be located in the adjacent future Transport Hub. As part of these discussions, the team also undertook a detailed trip generation assessment using the 'Decide and Provide' principles whereby the sustainable credentials and transport strategy for the site is used to influence future resident travel patterns and aims to encourage lower car dominance. The outcome of this enabled the reduction of vehicle trip rates and utilising lower traffic growth factors as part of the extensive junction modelling undertaken. By arguing and agreeing lower growth factors to local traffic and expected modal shift for future residents, we were able to prove that no mitigation was required at local junctions and evidence to support low levels of parking.

The Result

In March 2023, planning permission subject to conditions and a S106 was granted for the scheme, after extensive discussions with the highway officers about contributions and parking for the site.