Starbucks Drive Thru, Totton

Making efficient use of surplus brownfield land within an existing industrial estate.

The Brief

A little used area of hard standing within the South Hampshire Industrial Estate was identified as a prime site for a drive-thru coffee shop, but required careful design on a modestly sized site where there was a need to ensure retained employment uses were provided with sufficient parking.

The Approach

Early engagement with the highway authority is often beneficial in agreeing development principles and making the consultation period of a live application smoother, and was certainly the case with this application.

Internally, the key issues were ensuring efficient and appropriate circulatory space for the drive-thru around the modular building, sufficient car and cycle parking provision and accommodating servicing for ease of the occupier.

Externally, the primary issue related to developing a clear understanding of the level of pass-by and linked vehicle trips, and the subsequent impact on the primary access roundabout to the industrial estate.

The Result

Planning permission was granted in April 2020 (within three months of submission), and the coffee shop seems to be thriving whenever we are visiting Dandara’s adjacent office. It always seems rude not to pop in for a quick coffee and cake when we are passing.