John Barker Place, Hitchin

Paul Basham Associates were delighted to work with Settle Housing to provide a Transport Assessment, Full Travel Plan, Travel Plan Statement and Construction Traffic Management Plan and associated plans to support a Hybrid planning application for a mixed use development comprising 129 affordable and private housing units (C2 and C3 use class) with associated retail and food uses (A1 and A5 use classes) on land at 25-35 John Barker Place and 1-36 Freemans Close, Hitchin.

The Proposal

Paul Basham Associates were tasked with assessing the scheme that had received an objection from the highway authority prior to our instruction. As part of these works, Paul Basham Associates worked collaboratively with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) highways officers to confirm the methodology for assessment of the wider road network and produce a masterplan that encouraged sustainable travel.

The Approach

As part of the first stage of works a number of documents were consulted to identify policy and regulations that are required to be met by the proposed development. Paul Basham Associates provided an assessment of local pedestrian, cycle and public transport infrastructure and also assessed the impact of the proposed application on the wider highway network. Careful consideration was given to the overall parking provision on site utilising parking surveys to inform the overall provision. Each individual use on site was assessed and individual Travel Plans were prepared to encourage travel by sustainable means. Junction modelling of the wider road network was also undertaken to inform the assessments. 

The Result

The scheme received consent in 2020 and has been fully built.