Stanwell, Staines

This scheme is a great example of the Travel Plan Co-Ordination work that we do here at Paul Basham Associates, after following this affordable housing scheme in Surrey from its’ initial Travel Plan stages through to the completion of the five-year Travel Plan Co-Ordination works.

The brief

Outline planning permission was granted for the scheme in April 2011 and involved the demolition of existing dwellings and a phased development of 356 residential units comprising affordable, private, extra care facilities and community centre. Paul Basham Associates were also commissioned to complete the highway elements associated with the Reserved Matters application for Phases 2, 3 and 4 which totalled 306 dwellings. Our work has continued on the project through the Travel Plan Coordination of all dwellings in a phased approach.

Our approach

Paul Basham Associates provided Technical Notes to support the Phase 2 and 3 Reserved Matters application and a separate note for Phase 4. Works included trip rate assessments, adoptable highway extents, servicing and refuse tracking, parking calculations and visibility splays.

After a successful outcome on all RM planning applications, Paul Basham Associates are now acting as the Travel Plan Coordinators for Phases 3 and 4 which involves annual travel surveys, regular site visits, bi-annual newsletters and meetings with Surrey County Council in order to help support a sustainable development and to reduce single car occupancy vehicle trips. Phases 1 and 2 have now been closed after successfully receiving confirmation from Surrey County Council that the Travel Plan has been implemented and the development is operating sustainably.

The result

With all phases receiving Reserved Matters planning approvals by 2015, the development is now built and occupied. We were pleased to also support this scheme with Travel Plan Coordination, ensuring that the residents are aware of their sustainable travel opportunities.

From the Local Authority

Paul Basham Associates have consistently brought creativity and enthusiasm to their role here.  Their professionalism and effective communication has led to a successful take up of the initiatives on offer.

Lynne Howard
Travel Plan Officer
Surrey County Council