Paul Basham Associates were initially asked by Artelia Projects UK Ltd to assist with the Transport Planning works required to support a planning application for the redevelopment of the existing D-Day Museum in Portsmouth. Following successful support and granting of permission, the Civil Engineering team were involved with the S278 works.
The Brief
Understanding the likely highway constraints for the transport planning team was an early consideration due to the formation of a new access and likely impact on parking. A detailed parking survey was completed in accordance with Portsmouth standards to ensure the design accommodated the necessary demand which led to the completion of a Transport Statement.
Our Civil Engineering team were then instructed to undertake the S278 works which included a new, larger access into the re-purposed car park, additional on-road parking and amendments to the footway and drainage.
Our Approach
Following the completion of the parking surveys, we prepared a detailed Transport Statement which successfully demonstrated that the development would not have a severe impact on the highway and identified appropriate mitigation measures to ensure the site would operate sustainably.
To commence works on the Section 278 various information was gathered including drainage and utilities which enabled a detailed design to be prepared suitable for construction. A detailed surface water drainage design was also incorporated which included a linear drainage system connection into existing soakaways as well as vehicle tracking and a detailed levels assessment to ensure gradients were suitable and tied into existing constraints.
As part of the S278 works we worked closely with other disciplines such as the street lighting consultants to ensure a fully coordinated design was proposed as well as with Portsmouth City Council (PCC) post submission. Works were also required to suspend on-street parking bays to facilitate the access design and relocate these to the east of the site with a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which we submitted and managed with PCC.
The Result
The museum has now fully re-opened with its new car park access and highway realm improvements and is a busy attraction in the heart of Southsea and the South Coast.